Opening Days like yesterday don’t come around all that often…thanks to everyone for coming out to enjoy one heck of a POWDER DAY here at Snowy Range! We woke up to an inch or so of fresh snow yesterday morning, but the snow just kept falling throughout most of the day bringing the day-time totals to right at 6″ and…
Hello Fellow Snowy Enthusiasts! Happy Opening Day! Grab your crew and gear, and welcome to another winter season here at Snowy Range Ski Area. Currently here at 5am, we have received an inch of snow overnight with flakes still falling this morning. Forecasts project continued snowfall with accumulations in the 1″-3″ range today. Don’t forget that extra layer as temps…
Hello Fellow Snowy Enthusiasts! Opening Day is tomorrow, Friday, 12/2/2022! Here’s to rallying your crew and gear for another awesome winter season here at Snowy Range Ski Area. The snowmakers have continued the efforts in bringing the slopes together, and Mother Nature has been very kind this week with over a FOOT of natural snow these past few days plus…
Hello Fellow Snowy Enthusiasts, and welcome to another winter season here at Snowy Range Ski Area! Our opening date is set for Friday, December 2 and with our excellent snowmaking thus far throughout the month of November as well as the natural snowfall currently blessing the mountains….we anticipate this being one of our strongest opening days in many years! Snowy…
Snow Report: Officially Closed for the 2021/2022 Season as of 4.10.22
Notes from the GM: 4.11.22: Thanks for a great season! Our final day of the season was Sunday, April 10–we wish to thank our many season passholders, guests and amazing staff for an excellent winter season. Please check back soon for information on 2022/2023 Snowy Range season passes and the Steamboat Add-On pass as we will be finalizing all details in the very near future.
Think Snow. Think Fun. Think Snowy Range.